This has been a funny experience, because I wasn’t very good with the English, because I was used to form short sentences, and even so I wasn’t that good. But here, I have to write a full text, it’s like a diary, because we write about experiences or something that we like, and we had to express our feelings.
I really enjoy it, because helped me to think in English, and it helped me to improve my English. Also I knew a lot of new verbs and forms to say something’s.
I really appreciate this course because it gives me the opportunity to share some aspects of my life with you, and also it’s an entertaining experience.
Some of the advantages of this type of class it’s that give us the tools to we can improvise about any subject, because here we talk about different things, and the most important, is that we choose the subjects.
The blog that I really enjoy was about the football, because it’s my passion, it’s my favourite sport, in fact, I could write a lot about it in English. And now, I feel I could do it, because this class gave me the necessaries tools to do it.
Anyway, I think there is a disadvantage about this form of class, because we didn’t interact so we didn’t know if our pronunciation was the right. But most of the time, we could use the help of some classmate or us teacher ;)
I definitely recommend this type of activity, because it’s a new and funny way to get close to the English. And use the computer, and everyone like to use it.
I hope one day I could talk fluent in English; because as the universal language, it’s a plus have control of it.
Well, goodbye my friends, thanks for all the comments and see you around!